* OPEN Curling Bonspiel (4 players per team, 18+)
* Single Day Format* (will depend on number of teams registered, but please expect 4-6 end games)
* Targeted to ANYONE (zero experience required; winners really can be losers...expect many twists, turns, & surprises)
* TWISTED ICE (we'll be "wrecking" the ice in advance of this bonspiel)
* You'll have FUN (this is a social event)
* $120/Team + $10/person Yearly ARAS Membership Fee (if you are already an ARAS member, please contact us for your discount code)
* Reserve your Team's spot on Eventbrite (by selecting Qty "4" under your preferred team name)
* Or, register as a Single (by selecting Qty "1" under your preferred team name)
* Brooms & Grippers/Sliders can be rented from the club for a minimal fee