If "Commercial products," please explain:
Commercial products include commercially available products as well as products that come from out-of-province, even if the seller is also the grower.
ARAS Ardrossan Farmers' Market Rules & Regulations
Please check each box; by doing so you are agreeing to abide by these rules & regulations.
Vendor approval is at the sole discretion of the Market Manager.
Approved vendors may only sell approved products at the market. Any changes or additions to products, as described in the application form, must be approved by the market manager in advance of the market day. Used or flea sale items are prohibited.
Vendors are accepted into the market using a quota system in order to ensure that there are a variety of products for sale; and that the vendors get an adequate market share.
Vendors must always conduct themselves in a professional manner. Unprofessional conduct such as cleanliness of the vendor, the use of inappropriate language, insubordination, disrespectful behavior, smoking, the consumption of alcohol or drugs, will be cause for immediate dismissal from the market. No warnings or refunds will be given.
All vendors attending the market must pay the annual Ardrossan Recreation & Agricultural Society (ARAS) fee of $10 (non-refundable).
It is recommended that all vendors carry liability insurance.
Market hours are from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. Set up starts at 3:00 p.m. Vendors may not set up unless the Manager is on-site.
No vendor may sell any product to the public prior to the Market opening at 4:30 p.m., and no vendor may disassemble his/her stall prior to the 7:30 p.m. closing time.
Vendors may not leave early. If an issue does arise during market hours, this will need to be discussed with Market Manager.
Vendors who have sold out must wait until the market closes before dismantling their stall. A SOLD-OUT sign must be placed on the empty table.
Market stall allocation will be based on an overall market plan. Vendor spacing and placement is at the sole discretion of the market managers. Vendors are not guaranteed the same stall each week. The managers reserve the right to change vendor locations within the market at any time. Spacing requests may be made to the Market Manager, but requests will not necessarily be granted.
Vendors MAY NOT trade, loan, give or sublease the stalls assigned to them. Stalls may not be shared. Only one vendor may operate per stall, and only one business may operate per stall.
The market manager must be notified of cancellation of stalls a minimum of 48 hours prior to opening time market day. In the event of an emergency, vendors must call the market managers at the cell number provided.
Stall fees are non-refundable and must be paid to the market manager within 48 hours of your vendor application approval or by the Friday before the market date, which ever comes first. The market will no longer be accepting cash, payments need to be made by email transfer or cheques. No refunds will be given for cancellations. Exchange dates are at the discretion of the Market Manager. Vendors who are in arrears may be denied permission to set up by the Market Manager until all fees are paid.
If the field is too saturated the day of the market no vehicles will be permitted on site. If the market is cancelled due to weather or an emergency, vendors will not be refunded stall fees for that market day.
All equipment, displays, and signs must be placed within the allotted vendor space.
NSF cheques and any refunds given are subject to a $25 processing fee.
Vendors are responsible for providing their own tables, tents, weights and display equipment. Tents must be 10’ x 10’, and tent weights must weigh a minimum of 20 pounds each and be placed on all four tent legs. The Market Manager reserves the right to take down tents without sufficient weights or in the case of extreme weather.
If there is a severe weather warning before the market starts, the market manager will postpone set up until after the warning has ended. If a warning occurs during the market and it appears the market would be impacted, the market will be cancelled, and vendors will have to quickly take down their stalls.
Vendors are responsible for cleanup of all garbage and recycling in their area upon the closing of the market. Vendors must dispose of their garbage off-site.
No animals are permitted to be in market stalls at any time.
Vendors are not permitted to smoke within the market area.
Vehicles may not be left running during market hours.
Generators must not interfere with other vendors and/or customers.
All products sold at the Ardrossan Farmers Market must comply with all regulations of Alberta Agriculture and Alberta Health Services.
All food products must have proper labelling as dictated by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. The Market Manager reserves the right to remove items that do not have proper labels.
All food items and samples must adhere to health regulations set out by Alberta Health Services. The market manager reserves the right to inspect vendors' stalls and remove items that do not comply.
The Ardrossan Farmers Market reserves the right to visit vendors place of business.
All cosmetics being sold at the market must comply with Health Canada regulations.
The Market Manager will direct customer complaints and issues to the vendors in question, to resolve the situation as amicably as possible.
If a vendor does not follow the Ardrossan Farmers Market rules, regulations and policies, the market manager will issue a verbal warning. A second occurrence will warrant a written warning. A third occurrence will result in notice of expulsion from the market. Appeals of the notice of expulsion must be made in writing to the Ardrossan Recreation and Agricultural Society (ARAS) within 10 days of receipt of the third warning and shall be considered by the Ardrossan Recreation and Agricultural Society (ARAS) in accordance with its policies and procedures. During the appeal process, the vendor under review will be prohibited from attending the market.
Vendors are asked to put any complaints that they have in writing, sign them, and give them to any member of the Board of Directors or to the market manager.
The complaints will be addressed at the earliest possible time for a satisfactory resolution.
It is not appropriate for vendors to voice their displeasure & complaints to customers & other vendors.